Thursday, 6 March 2014

My take on Poutine!

So I've decided to post about a really yummy meal I made a few weeks ago,  which will definitely go on to my "make again" list!

*Now here's a disclaimer for all future food posts I make, I do NOT use measurements or really follow recipes, so this is in no way a "recipe", its just an account of what I made, and a reccomendation to you guys to make it too!!*

So I've decided to call this meal "Veggie Mince Poutine-ish".

For those who have no idea what Poutine is, handy old wikipedia is here to tell you:

"Poutine is a common Canadian dish, originally from Quebec, made with french fries, topped with a light brown gravy-like sauce and cheese curds."

Okay so this really isn't very much like Poutine, but it does have fries, and is topped with yummyness and then baked!

For your own go at my creation you will need: 

Sweet Potatoes
Veggie Mince
A smoky/barbequey sauce of your liking
Garlic Powder (optional)
Grated cheese (not optional)
Spray oil
An oven proof, preferably good looking dish :)

Like the seasoned blogger I am (PAH!), I have included photos with this blog, in order to help you understand my rambling instructions!

Step 1
Slice sweet potatoes into thin chips/fries, place them in the bottom of the dish, season, and pop in the oven for about 20 minutes. 

Step 2
Slice mushrooms, and soften in a frying pan with a spray of oil, and then add in veggie mince.

Step 3
Once the veggie mince has lost its hard gravel texture, sprinkle some garlic powder over the mixture, and then add your sauce. You don't want too much as you want it to become a sticky yummy mess!

Step 4
Take the sweet potato dish out of the oven, and, checking the potatoes are reaching softness, pour the mince mixture ontop, and then add grated cheese. I tried to limit the grated cheese I used, to make it somewhat healthy but please don't feel you have to! Put the dish back into the oven for another 5/6 minutes, until the cheese has melted and the sauce is starting to stick to the dish!

Step 5
Remove from oven, and devour. Job done!

I have to say, it was really yummy, and and gave similar dishes served at a local REVOLUTIONary eaterie a run for its money, plus it was relatively healthy...

You could of course, do this with white potatoes, but you might have to cook these a little longer before adding the mixture, and definitely try it with beef mince too!

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